
How to get here

Embarking on the journey to Karijini is an integral part of the experience, and here are some options to make it simple and enjoyable.

Where to stay

There is a range of accommodation options available in Karijini National Park and the surrounding region, find some suggestions here.

Communication in the Park

In the National Park, phone signal and internet services can be limited, here are some tips to keep you well informed.

Cultural Awareness

The Karijini Experience works closely with Traditional Owners to present this event, please read this before attending the event.

Food availability

When and where food will be available for purchase during the event.

Karijini National Park rules

Karijini is a pristine National Park, here are some tips to help keep it this way.

Weather in the region

When travelling to our remote location, it’s important to come prepared.

Travel times within Karijini

A guide to help you travel around the National Park and our venues.